About Manchester

2018 News Releases

December 2018

January session gives Manchester students a world of experiences

Art by Syrian refugees is featured at Fort Wayne campus

November 2018

Manchester blazes path on genetics, medication link

E-cigarettes shift smoking progress

National Association for Gifted Children awards first place to Potts

Manchester Symphony Orchestra offers Holiday Pops!

Learn More Center gets fundraising help from MU marketing class

Manchester University bands present ‘Impressions’ concert

Manchester offers A Service of Lessons and Carols

Manchester senior awarded athletic training scholarship

Master of Athletic Training Program is moving to Fort Wayne

Manchester University adds master’s degree in accounting

October 2018

'Significant Other' takes stage at Manchester

Literary Council students to host Book Bash at Pierceton Elementary 

Critically acclaimed ‘Unveiled’ takes stage at Manchester 

First-generation scholarship winner hopes to share joy of music after Manchester

Spartans join U Can Crush Hunger campaign

Manchester physical education major is Midwest Outstanding Student

MU celebrates Day of the Dead with a week of tributes

Manchester Symphony Orchestra soars to new heights in 80th year

Monster Mash offers safe, fun trick-or-treating

Pharmacy Program celebrates Day of Service Oct. 24

Manchester celebrates 200 years of Frankenstein with panel, film

September 2018

Manchester University brings to you The Gift of Song

Adam Hohman is MU staff member of the year

Sports Information Director Mark Adkins accepts Iowa offer

Alumna Carissa Fralin to speak about behavioral health services

Homecoming 2018 highlights

Panel at Manchester explores ‘Why the Constitution Matters’

Northeast Indiana universities offer Health Professions Night at MU

Chinese service delegation to visit Manchester University

Manchester is in Midwest's best value top 10

Manchester University adds global health major

August 2018

Manchester’s Tracy Brooks is Generation Rx Champion 

Manchester ranks 14th among Indiana colleges

Abdelmageed receives Indiana Distinguished Community Leader Award

22 Indiana private college and university presidents issue plea for hate crimes law

Chicago Tribune on Kenny Doss

MU’s Adkins leads sports information director committee

MU senior heads to Belgium for classes, service internship

Princeton Review: Manchester a ‘Best in the Midwest’ university

2018 graduate selected for John Hopkins research program 

Statement issued Aug. 8, 2018

June 2018

Spring 2018 undergraduate Dean’s List

Spring 2018 Pharmacy Program Dean’s List

A Family Portrait to air on PBS 39

MU hosts annual Independence Day Celebration

May 2018

$300,000 inheritance sparks student research fund at Manchester

MU, law enforcement plan June 4 training exercise

Congratulations, Manchester University Class of 2018!

Community Carnival at Manchester is free for local children

Shannon Lee wins Student of Integrity scholarship

Manchester breaks ground for Lockie and Augustus Chinworth Center

1st Spartan Coin Recipient

Manchester ranked among 15 best Midwest regional colleges

Manchester University Commencement is May 19

Otho Winger Experience returns to Manchester University

April 2018

Manchester offers summer camps for kids, scrapbooking retreat

Presentation on ‘DNA and Your Medicine’ at Fort Wayne campus

Manchester choral concert is on Mother’s Day

Pharmacy student places 35th in Boston Marathon

Manchester offers Peace Week events April 23-28

Civil resistance, peacebuilding come together in program at Manchester

Manchester breaks ground May 11 on Chinworth Center

Manchester University Bands Spring Concert is May 4

Manchester hosts 20th annual Student Research Symposium

Oak Leaves staff rakes in awards

MU celebrates cultural contributions of Mideast immigrants with ‘Where Rivers Meet’

Panel at Manchester looks at sex and politics today

Is your service trip ‘good for the world?’ Manchester senior VIA explores what works – and what doesn’t

2016 graduate selected for National Science Foundation Research Fellowship

Chime at Manchester to toll on MLK 50 anniversary

More than your major: Studying with MU here and abroad prepared journey of discovering and owning one’s best self

March 2018

Manchester University Egg Hunt is April 14

CARE Initiative brings speakers on sex and human trafficking to MU

MSO celebrates spring with ‘String Fling’ concert, youth art

Manchester University to host Youth Triathlon on May 12

Teen angst takes to Manchester stage with ‘Spring Awakening’ rock musical

Kisor tapped for national Excellence in Achievement award

Expert on peace and conflict resolution to speak at Manchester

‘Gender Identity: Two Are Definitely Not Enough’ is topic of VIA

Manchester program uses ‘acting the change’ game to examine, inspire social change

Former U.S. Surgeon General to speak at Manchester about opioid epidemic

Story of World War I conscientious objectors comes to life at Manchester

Manchester offers nation’s first dual degree in pharmacy, PGx

International Fair celebrates, savors cultures of the world

Manchester names College of Business for Art Gilbert

Manchester offers Early Assurance to students interested in pharmacy career

Grow Wabash County, City of Wabash & MU class collaborate on Market Street project

February 2018

Speakers focus on Indiana efforts to help ex-offenders rejoin society

Manchester faculty panel to assess Year 1 of the Trump administration

Manchester University bands concert is March 9

Manchester University has long tradition of supporting peaceful protest

Poverty law expert to speak March 15

Fall 2017 Undergraduate Dean's List

Fall 2017 Pharmacy Dean's List

Battle against Martin Luther King Jr.’s ‘three evils’ persists today

Manchester speaker: ‘Conspiracy Theories are for Losers'

MU’s Calinski awarded $10,000 grant for ‘bath salts’ research

Alley named director of student involvement, leadership development

January 2018

Garner named North Manchester Citizen of the Year

Spring Convocation is ‘Fly, Run, Walk, Crawl – Keep Moving Forward’

Love, laughter and opera take stage at Manchester

McKenna-Buchanan named Honors Program director

Pharmacy student wins half marathon

MU marks 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. speech on Feb. 1

Hundreds to compete at Manchester Science Olympiad

Manchester to build College of Business, student services hub

Musical theatre performance celebrates African-American poets of the Harlem Renaissance

December 5